I did the right thing and didn't go for a run this morning. This is really only the right thing for the sake of my ankle. Not me. Not Henri. I have to be able to run in The Color Run tomorrow!
I knew my ankle needed a break. I just didn't want to give it one. It was a little achy. I went from walking about two miles a day to jogging a mile and a half and then walking the other mile and a half. I probably should have eased into it a little better, but I was excited to be at it again. It just felt good! I knew I needed to be able to run tomorrow and I didn't want to go six days in a row with only one day of recovery. If I didn't have to run tomorrow, I would have gone this morning. I wanted to and Henri wanted to.
My alarm went off and Henri came in, his tail wagging. He followed me around as I started to get ready, tail still wagging, until he noticed I put on work clothes, not workout clothes. I felt so bad! His tail stopped wagging and he just looked at me. Ugh, I'm so horrible!
I did play a game with him before I went to work. I hope I can do this story justice, because I was pretty impressed with him. He had a plastic dumbbell toy that he was wanting me to throw down the hallway and then play keep away when he brought it back. We played a few times and then he started getting frustrated with me always asking him to 'drop it' and 'leave it'. The keep away part was taking over, so, I grabbed his favorite monkey and started cuddling with it and walking it around. He dropped the dumbbell and I took it, putting Monkey in my lap. He's amped up and ready to run, so, I throw the dumbbell and he totally fakes me out and grabs Monkey from my lap instead! He was so fast, I didn't even know it was happening and then I just sat there, shocked that he had pulled that off so successfully.
I think he's a genius. Just saying.
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