Saturday, January 3, 2015

{52 Snapshots of Life} Week 1: New

So, this isn't running with Henri related, exactly, but I'm thinking I'm going to try to make it running with Henri related. I mean, let's face it, Henri is pretty much my life.

I have seen these kind of things before, but I don't think I ever saw them in time to feel like I could jump in and participate, but it is a new year and the beginning of the year at that so this will work. The idea is to take a photo to fit within the theme for that week. Here is the themes for each week:

Lucky for me, I already had a photo that fit with the theme for this week, which is 'new'. I got new running clothes for Christmas and took a picture of at least one outfit this week. I posted it in my blog on Monday, but now it can go for this, too. I am hoping to keep the photos within the running with Henri theme, but we'll just see how that goes. So, while I posted it a few days ago, here it is again:

#new #52snapshots


  1. Henri looks ready to run with you in all that blue! What a nice new outfit. I'm happy to "meet" you through the snapshots blog hop and I look forward to visiting your blog more this year!

  2. We are keeping all the photos with me in them, since I am the blog which only makes it all a bit more challenging. Can't wait to see what you come up with for running with the topics! We rarely do any running pics because it is too hard to take photos while running with dogs...not to mention dangerous for an accident prone dog mom!

  3. Did Henri get a new outfit too? I’ll bet he loves to run. Me too only I’m an indoor kitty.

  4. One of my goals this year is to be more active with my Delia, so I'm looking forward to your posts. Happy New Year!

  5. I love your blog title! Very appropriate photo for the New theme this week!

  6. Thanks so much for joining us for #52Snapshots of Life! So nice to make your acquaintance! :)
