Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Today was the last day of Running With Ollie and I's National Run With Your Dog Day Virtual 5k. It's been so fun to see everyone and all of your dogs! I look forward to celebrating National Run With Your Dog Day with you all every year!

It has been raining far too much here. I really wanted to have a Mother's Day run with Henri on Sunday. I planned on going before church, but the first time I woke up, it was raining. The next time I woke up there wasn't enough time to run and shower, which I felt was important before going to church (because cleanliness is godliness). Then it warmed up a little too much. The funny thing is that we did have to run from my Grandma's to my parents because a storm was rolling in and it was lightening and starting to rain. I just had to run in my sandals, which was a challenge, but we did get to run on Mother's Day.

Yesterday, there was rain in the forecast. We woke up early and there was no rain. As I got closer to being ready, I heard the wind pick up. Of course, it started to rain. It rained most of the day. When it finally did stop, the wind picked up. I kept checking the radar and wouldn't you know it, the doppler radar showed rain right when we would be running. I really wanted to run, but being caught in the rain did not sound like fun.

Today, finally, we woke up early to much cooler temperatures and while it was still windy, we've run in worse. It was a great run! I love running with Henri when I know he is enjoying the weather and the run. As much as I now love running, I never run without Henri. I don't know that I would love it without him anyway, but it is always better when I can tell he's enjoying it. I think he likes knowing that we are going to be outside and running (even though he could run much faster on his own). I would hope that he always enjoys our runs. I would feel pretty selfish if I was making him go when he didn't want to, but I think he knows how to tell me when he's not interested. I'm so glad that we have this to do together.

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