Friday, May 29, 2015


Has anyone else had a hard time remembering what day it is this week? I know I'm not he only one because there have been at least four other people at work that have thought it was a different day than it was. I know there was a holiday, but that doesn't really count in the retail world. It's just another day to us. I was really struggling this morning! First, I was thinking about how I said that we'd run four times this week, but then I was thinking that wasn't right because it was Thursday. Then I was really sad that it was only Thursday. Then I realized it was indeed Friday. Hooray! We had run four times!

Then we're running. I'm remembering from last summer how day three was always really hard, but day four felt better and by day five, I was back again. Thinking it was day five, I was disappointed in how I felt running. "Day three" felt awesome and was awesome, but "day four" was not so awesome.

Then, right around mile three I realize that we didn't run on Monday, so this is indeed day four, not five. I wrote my blog yesterday about four in a row, when it was not four in a row. Guh! I can't believe I did that! How did I get so mixed up and stay mixed up. I am usually not confused for very long, and never that confused! Then I continued to be mixed up this morning? So mixed up that I thought I'd figured it out several times only to realize that I had not figured it out at all! What happened this week? What is wrong with my brain?

Also, side note, it interests me that something usually happens around mile three. This is usually the stretch in which I do my best thinking, even writing some of this blog. I have revelations. I figure out what day it is, for example. *eye roll* I also decided to start this project and what I wanted to call it around mile three. It's like my mind is suddenly cleared from thinking about the run, though I'm not consciously thinking about the run and then suddenly not thinking about the run. Then there's the mile three step off the sidewalk into an ankle injury and the mile three sonic boom that almost made Henri pee his fuzzy pants. I'm going to have to start paying much closer attention to mile three. Who knows what else can come from it? 

For real, though. Today was four in a row. We're (I'm - lets blame the right person here) still getting back into the rhythm, especially after taking a week off T25 and starting that over as well. We'll make it. I am much more confident that we can do five days a week again, and excited.

And that was my brain dump. I feel better now.

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