It's the first day of Fall! Hooray! Unfortunately, it doesn't really feel like Fall till about 7pm so we're still pushing the evening runs.
Today was difficult because it was still about 82 degrees when we started. The air was kinda thick and there wasn't much of a breeze. Plus, the hills! Will I ever get better with the hills!? I think the problem is, depending on where you park, you can get started and get your breathing under control before you hit the hills, or you can head straight into the hills. With some road construction blocking the first option, we're stuck heading straight into them, unless we just ran the other direction, but I don't know if I like that idea...because I'm a creature of habit and I don't like change...but I should probably consider that option.
Thankfully, it cools off fast and it gets easier to breathe as the sun sets. Plus, you really get to enjoy the sunsets! Before long, we'll be running, racing the sun or finishing right before the sun goes down, where we can sit and enjoy it...before it gets too cold. I know I complain about the heat, but I know it will cool down and it will cool down fast. I should enjoy it while it lasts, but it tends to just make Henri and I miserable so...
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