Friday, November 6, 2015


We got a run in every day this week thus far and I'm pushing to get at least one in this weekend, too. That might be overdoing it a bit. I don't know. We'll see.

I felt pretty slow today, but, again, it turned out to be my best time of the week. I guess after the run in the wind and rain yesterday, my legs just felt like they were struggling. I would have thought it would have been the other way around, they would have felt free! Once we got past the first mile and a half, they snapped out of it and it just felt like a steady jog. Henri was extra motivating with lots of smiles! Way to keep me going, Henri!

Actually, Henri cracks me up sometimes. I don't remember if I've mentioned it before, but he's a little bit of a show-off. When we're passing other people, especially with dogs, he puffs out his chest as we run by. I guess it's the same as when runners correct their form when they go by another runner. I kinda did the same thing today, which was even more funny. Really, I think I was trying to avoid the dog barking at Henri, but we moved into the street and we were moving at a pretty good pace. Unfortunately, it was a pace I couldn't keep up for very long today, but Henri and I really are becoming the same in all things :)

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