This weekend, Henri and I participated in the local Howl'oween Dog Jog. Normally, the Howl'oween event is held at the dog park and every one shows up, shows off their costumes and goes home. This year, they added a run to the event, so you know Henri and I were all over that! As exciting as a organized event in which you can run with your dog is, I don't know that Halloween is the best holiday to pair this with. I enjoyed the winter seasonal run, but I guess numbers are low because it's "too cold" or something. Disappointed. So, the challenge was to think of a costume that 1) Henri would be comfortable in 2) Henri would be comfortable to run in 3) would match something that I would be comfortable running in 4) makes sense in the running theme of it all 5) would compete with last years Marty McFly and Doc Brown - I mean, we know we can't beat that. After kicking a few things around I settled on a pirate and a parrot, and because I like to do things backwards, Henri is the pirate and I'm the parrot. What? Really, it doesn't make sense for the parrot to be in front of the pirate the entire run. The parrot should be "flying" behind the pirate. That was my thinking anyway.
I'm pretty pleased with how the costumes turned out, especially Henri's. I just think he's adorable. We won Best Couple, which is the prize that I always strive for. Henri got a huge bucket of toys and some other assorted treats and items. I am pretty proud of that, but I'm super proud that we won the race, too. Yes, it was a fun run, and it was fun and I wasn't being highly competitive, but I did think it would be pretty cool to win. We were in the lead for awhile and then a flower and her bee passed us. We kept up pretty well and her little bee slowed down towards the end. We decided maybe we should tie, even though I thought she should be first because we had already won a prize. Henri had other plans. He said this is what we have been training for all this time, we are winning this thing and stuck his nose out to pull off the win. We gave our prizes to the bee and her brother (or sister). Henri really does have enough toys...and then we went to PetSmart and bought him some more. I mean, he did win a a costume.
Seriously, isn't he just adorable? I mean, pirates are not supposed to be adorable, are they? I clearly failed in the conceptualization of this costume, but then again, I don't think there is any way to hide his adorable-ness.