Thursday, October 6, 2016

[Pet Photo Challenge] Week 29: Fly

In trying to make a pet photo challenge that would be inclusive to all pets, I might have made some weeks harder than they needed to be. I know I had something in mind when I chose the theme of "fly", but I might not have thought about the carrying out of said theme and the timing in which it was placed in the challenge. I seem to have run into that a lot. You would think that I would have remembered all the challenges that Summer brings to being outside with Henri, and some of these themes are really hard to create inside. So, it's not perfect, but I think it's a pretty cool photo anyway.

Henri is pretty agile. He's got some moves that I'm sure he's going to hurt himself doing, but he's kind of cat-like in that he always lands on his feet...ish. He's constantly flying through the air to catch tennis balls, toys and the occasional flying treat. He's speedy and spins and jumps in the air. It's so fun to watch. I might need to cut back on our runs and get him more playtime at the park this fall, if he can get over his anxiousness and actually play.

Who's flying around in your household? Are they literally flying with wings or just their pseudo-wings? Or did you interpret fly another way? Can't wait to see!

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