Thursday, October 6, 2016

[Pet Photo Challenge] Week 34: Dog

Because this was supposed to be posted during National Dog Day. Oh, how I love my Henri! He's so fun, quirky and unique. He's a special blend. Of what, we don't know, but it doesn't matter. He was meant to be with me. The puppy that almost wasn't. We almost didn't go to the shelter that day. I saw his picture. I tried to move on. Even though he was still too young to touch and play with at that point, his orneriness rang through and he was adopted. "Are you sure you want that one? He whines every time I walk by the cage." Oh, but if these words had been heeded, so many things about my life would be different. I'm so thankful for him and the hard working people that transported his pregnant mother from Kentucky and cared for this litter of puppies until all could go home. You are a good dog, Henri.

What's more "Dog" than a dog with a tennis ball? And seriously, you see that look in his eyes, right? Ornery!

What is your story? Do you have a dog? Do you know a dog? Maybe your pet acts like a dog. That still counts! :)

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