Thursday, April 9, 2015

Rain, Rain, Go Away

This week has been rain, rain, rain! April showers, I suppose. The good news is that there have oddly enough been breaks in the rain right when I get off work so a run has been possible. The bad news, today Henri refused to go on a run. He lay down on the living room floor and would not budge. 

I can't really blame him. It was almost 80 degrees outside. Supposedly a huge storm was coming, which has still yet to arrive, so I'm not sure if he could sense it that far out, but he was not going. Of course, as soon as I took the harness off of him, he ran to his spot on the stairs and stared at me like we were supposed to go somewhere. I'm confused, Henri. You are sending me mixed messages. I offer the harness to him again, he turns away and moves from the stairs. Okay. I'm not making him go on a run if he doesn't want to. 

Now, as it approaches 8pm, he's driving me crazy! I would take him now, but that storm is still supposed to be coming and there's tornado watches attached to it. I can't risk it. Ugh, I might be moving our runs to early morning sooner than I thought, though a cold front is coming in, hence the tornado watches. Maybe it will cool down just enough that Henri will be willing to venture out in the afternoons and let me sleep in the mornings. Also, it's been raining every morning, with storms actually waking me up early. We wouldn't have been running in the morning this week anyway.

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