Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Non-Voluntary Off Day

Why is it that the days that you most want to go for a run are the days that it doesn't happen? There is some law surrounding this, right? Similar to Newton's Law? 

I don't know what happened. I have been very careful to stay hydrated with the heat and the humidity this week. I drink Gatorade and water all day long. If I start to feel queasy, more Gatorade! If I have some muscle soreness, more Gatorade! I woke up feeling fine, thinking I was going on a run. I drank my water and then, suddenly, I didn't feel so good. Deep breathing was making it worse and my heart was racing. I spent the next several hours hanging out by the toilet, trying to go to sleep so I could hopefully sleep it off and go to work. I cannot miss work on Wednesdays! I have things that I must do!

I never actually got sick, I just felt blech and sometimes dizzy and clammy. Henri watched me from his place on his bed, occasionally curling up on the blanket I had pulled into the bathroom and letting me stroke his paw. He was confused when I called work and told them I was going to come in later (as I had yet to fall back to sleep after over an hour of trying). Hearing me talk made him think I was better, so he got in my face and pawed at me to get up and feed him.

I had really wanted to run today. It was a little cooler, a little less humid. It was a day we could start a little later and catch the coming over the horizon part of the sunrise. I wanted to continue to play with our GoPro. It's just too dark most of the days we get up. This was our one day! And now, I'm not planning on running tomorrow either, just to be safe. Boo.

I did go to work, doing only the most important work and leaving after I was struggling to keep my focus and my head from hitting the desk. I'm sure I would have been fine to stay, especially since I never got sick, but laying in bed sure feels better.

Well, that's one way to make me sit down, catch up on my blogs and get some extra sleep. Happy reading!

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