Tuesday, March 29, 2016


You know what's really weird? Running after you have had your teeth worked on and your lips and nose are still a little numb is really weird. You don't really know if your nose is running and you can't really breathe or at least know if you are breathing. Then the numbness starts to wear off...also weird.

Other than that, the run was good. We got passed by another runner, which I didn't feel so good about, but she rain a different route. She ended up being our next door neighbor. She only ran maybe a mile, so I'll tell myself that she wouldn't have passed us if she had been running the entire three miles we ran. Also, mile three was pretty good for us, mostly because Henri didn't stop to pee on anything during that mile (and maybe partly because I could feel my nose coming back). I thought he was going to stop and poop at one point, so we slowed down. I don't think she would have passed us if she had come up on us during that mile. Yeah, I'll keep telling myself that.

Sidenote, I know there are two or three dogs in that house, so where was her running partner?

Runs this year: 39
Miles run this year: 111

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