Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Morning Funnies...To Me

There are many differences between getting up and running at 4am versus 5am and there are many feelings to go along with each of these differences.

For example, the sun is usually just coming up towards the end of our run most days. When you get up at 5am you think, 'What is this? The sun? Hmm...okay. I can see! I can see where I'm going. I can see the rabbits jumping along our path.' which quickly turns to, 'OMG! The sun! It's in my eyes! I can't see!' Maybe that's just me.

When you go out after the sun is up, there are more people out. There is a camaraderie between runnings/walkers/anyone up way too early in the morning, which is nice. We say "hi" and wave, or at least try to because, well, we're running (out of breath) and I'm monitoring my dog (barely see you wave). Of course, they are also watching Henri and wondering if he is going to try to eat them/trip me/'Oh, how cute!' Then there is that darn sun, making it so that we can see, which means they can see me! I'm hot and sweaty, red faced and not feeling very graceful, with no make-up and nowhere to hide. I have a freakin' dog attached to me! I am not exactly blending in!

Along with more people being out, there are more people up, getting ready for their day. They are letting their dogs out to do their morning business and we're running by. Henri will usually just keep running, but it is still early in the morning. I'm sure the rest of the neighborhood would appreciate a little more sleep and for some reason, dogs around here are really upset that they are not allowed to run and play with us and they are very vocal about it.

Don't get me wrong. I like the sun, and people, and other dogs. It just seems like we run so much in the dark that all of these things were foreign and strange to me. I found my reactions to these things funny. Maybe things are a lot more funny that early in the morning, sleep deprivation and all.

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