Friday, September 5, 2014

Indoor Games

I woke up in the middle of the night and my ankle hurt. It still hurt when my alarm went off so I decided I needed to skip the walk this morning. I felt pretty bad about it. Henri came running into the room when my alarm went off and jumped on the bed, licking me. He ran off and came back a few minutes later, realizing I had not gotten up, to repeat. I apologized and tried to get him to lay down with me. He decided to go and lie in "his" room instead. He has a whole bed to himself there. 

Today was pretty hot out so I knew I was going to have to play with Henri in the house to wear him down a little. We had some frisbees on clearance at work so I bought him one. It was really cheap so the fact that he has little chunks taken out of it already doesn't really bother me. It floats real nice. Henri surprised himself by catching it in the air. Once he figured out he could do that, he was running back and forth, again and again, to show off his new skill.

Don't worry. After the last ordeal with playing frisbee in the house, I made sure I wasn't throwing it in a way he would catch it in the eye. He is sufficiently tired...for now. It's probably about time for a round of fetch with a stuffie.

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