Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I'm Falling Apart!

Today was a muggy one, 77 degrees with 93% humidity. Blech! Okay, it wasn't awful, but the extra obstacle of humidity was not something I wanted to deal with today.

My ankle has been sore since Saturday. Not my previously injured ankle, the other one. I don't know why. I didn't even run on Saturday. We walked, but I don't remember feeling anything. We walked because my back hurt on Friday. Then my arm started to hurt when I raised it up and none of it was going away! I was falling apart and I didn't know why! So, we took yesterday off from running, to give my ankle a little longer break. That seemed to help. I felt confident that I could go for a run this morning and not lose a leg.

I wasn't going to push too much today for this reason. Add in the heat and humidity and the second half of the run was a struggle. I kept an eye on Henri, watching for him to start to wilt, but he was good. It was just me. Then my iPod kept playing slow songs, so I had to keep skipping ahead. I got one fast one and then it went back to slow, so I took the hint and just eased to a slower pace. I still did a sprint at the end, but that was almost just to get finished faster...almost...kinda...I also just wanted to go fast just to prove I could.

Now my previously injured ankle is a little achy (but we did just have a storm roll in, so I'm going to go with that as the cause) and my back hurts again. I decided that it was time for new shoes, that and the fact that my toes have worn through even the tape at the toes. So, new shoes! Not as flashy or as blue as my old ones, but they will still match all my running clothes, maybe even better than before, and that's really important, right? ;)

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