Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I've heard the saying, "The only workout you'll ever regret is the one you didn't do." I now understand this saying.

Yesterday morning, I talked myself out of taking Henri for a run. It was for good reasons; the weather was supposed to be bad and I didn't want to get stuck in the rain, it was really humid and I didn't want to make Henri run in that, Henri had had a big day the day before and seemed tired, I was tired...but honestly, I was just feeling a little lazy. We got our sleep and that felt pretty good. It was pretty hot and humid, but it never rained. I felt guilty, keeping Henri from exercise. I would have felt really bad if it had been raining this morning. I probably would have felt better if I'd just gotten up and gone on that run with Henri. 

This morning we were both ready to go. Henri has been a little lazier in the mornings, staying upstairs till closer to the time to leave for our run, sometimes making me come and get him. This morning he was excited and ran down the stairs. I let him out and was shocked to see stars, so clear. No rain threat this morning and running under the stars for ten minutes before the sun came up sounded awesome!

That extra day of rest either hurt us or helped us. My legs definitely hurt, so in that way, it hurt me, but the run was really good. I had my best overall pace, with each mile being under 9 minutes, one almost dropping under 8. That's probably why my legs hurt. I felt like Henri was dragging me, but I guess he was running faster because I was running faster. Rabbits were running across his path,literally feet in front of him, and he didn't even care. He was on a run and it felt good! It was still a little sticky, but there was just enough of a breeze to keep us comfortable.

I usually don't allow myself to be talked out of a workout. If I do talk myself out of it, it's usually for a much better reason than laziness, like pain and inability to perform. Laziness will not win again. Maybe if the reason hadn't been laziness, I wouldn't have felt so bad, or if it had only effected me, and not Henri as well. I don't know. I can't go back and do it now, but I will remember that saying next time I just want to change my alarm.

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